
About x-CITY-ng

Research Objectives

The research objective of x-CITY-ng group is to investigate the applicability and effectiveness of formal methods in order to facilitate the development of large-scale, business critical, intelligent correct systems.

More specifically, the group focuses its research to extended finite state machine models, such as X-machines, and the way they can associate with agile methodologies, modeling of dynamic communicating systems, verification and model checking as well as complete testing.

Finally, the research group is interested in developing tools that will strongly assist the use of the methods and applicability of techniques, which are under investigation.

Collaboration Objectives

The group as part of CITY College, which is as an Affiliated Institution of the University of Sheffield, aims to establish a strong research link with the Verification and Testing Research Group of the Dept. of Computer Science of the University of Sheffield.

In collaboration with the South-East European Research Center (SEERC), the group aims to establish a network of researchers in the area of SE Europe that share common research interests.

Software Engineering Research Group
Department of Computer Science
CITY Liberal Studies, affiliated Institution of the University of Sheffield
13 Tsimiski str., Thessaloniki, 54624, Greece
Tel. ++30.2310.275.575 Fax. +30.2310.287.564

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Page created and maintained by I. Stamatopoulou.
Last modified: December 2005